Jurnal STIKes Yarsi Pontianak

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Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal

Welcome to Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal (KNJ). Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal is an open-access scientific journal with registration numbers p-ISSN (2655-772X) and e-ISSN (2798-3897). Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal is a scientific journal of Nursing published by Institute for Research & Community Service STIKes YARSI Pontianak. This journal is a means of publication for researchers in the field of nursing consisting of lecturers, practitioners, researchers and students who want to disseminate the results of their research. Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal was first published in 2019 and published 2 times, namely in January and July every year.

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Jurnal Abdimas Khatulistiwa

Welcome to Jurnal Abdimas Khatulistiwa, a journal dedicated to publishing the results of community service efforts aimed at improving welfare and empowering communities, with an emphasis on practical and locally grounded problem-solving. This journal serves as a platform for researchers, practitioners, and academics to share experiences and the latest findings in the field of community service that can have a positive impact on society at large.

Through the publication of articles focusing on innovation and the implementation of community service programs, we strive to create a platform that brings together various stakeholders, from academics to the community, to develop concrete solutions to existing problems. We believe that close collaboration among these stakeholders will accelerate the achievement of inclusive and sustainable development goals.

We hope that Jurnal Abdimas Khatulistiwa will continue to contribute to enriching the body of knowledge and practices in community service. By publishing this journal, we aim to inspire the development of more adaptive and effective community service models, as well as to strengthen our shared commitment to building a more advanced, independent, and prosperous society.

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Jurnal Mahasiswa Keperawatan

Jurnal Mahasiswa Keperawatan (JMK) merupakan jurnal keperawatan yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yarsi Pontianak. JMK merupakan sarana publikasi bagi para peneliti keperawatan yang terdiri dari dosen, praktisi atau mahasiswa untuk menyebarluaskan hasil pemikiran dan penelitiannya. JMK akan terbit 2 kali setahun yakni pada bulan Oktober dan April, terdiri dari 5 artikel. Topik yang dapat dibahas pada JMK antara lain : keperawatan dasar, keperawatan medical dan bedah, keperawatan anak, keperawatan maternitas, keperawatan jiwa, keperawatan keluarga dan komunitas, keperawatan gerontik, manajemen, dan pendidikan dalam keperawatan.

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Buletin Ilmiah Keperawatan Islami

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