Welcome to Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal (KNJ). Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal is an open-access scientific journal with registration numbers p-ISSN (2655-772X) and e-ISSN (2798-3897). Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal is a scientific journal of Nursing published by Institute for Research & Community Service STIKes YARSI Pontianak. This journal is a means of publication for researchers in the field of nursing consisting of lecturers, practitioners, researchers and students who want to disseminate the results of their research. Khatulistiwa Nursing Journal was first published in 2019 and published 2 times, namely in January and July every year.
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Vol 6, No 2 (2024): July 2024
Table of Contents
Jenovan R Dengga, Laditri Br Ginting, Selvia Selvia, Eva Chris Veronica Gultom, Tirolyn Panjaitan
Yusmadiah Yusmadiah, Diena Juliana, Fajar Yousriatin
Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Early Psychosis Pada Remaja Awal di SMPN X Kota Pontianak
Dessy Andriani, Florensa Florensa, Mimi Amaludin
Petrus Weslly, Lidya Maryanie, Herwinda Sinaga